You gotta move it, move it — VB6 Magic :)

This is just a “fun” coding blog, but who knows, maybe you’ll find a good use for it on your projects 🙂 The goal is simple — move the control somewhere else — just like magic 🙂 Design (Setup) Super simple, just add the following to the default form: Command Button (to trigger the action) …

You gotta move it, move it — VB6 Magic 🙂 Read More »

Asynchronous Programming in Python using Thread

There are many ways to do asynchronous programming in Python, but the one I’ll cover here is the probably the first option that most Python programmers will use, or is taught —- and that is using the threading module. Before we dive into coding, let’s talk about Synchronous and Asynchronous processing (or in our case, …

Asynchronous Programming in Python using Thread Read More »

Implementing Data Formatters – Python Edition (part 2 of 2)

This is a continuation blog. Please read Part 1 first, before reading this. Version 2: Component Based Let’s say that the data is no longer a dictionary or something that isn’t readily serialized by XML or JSON modules. For simplicity sake, let’s just create an object version of the data in part 1: Complex Data …

Implementing Data Formatters – Python Edition (part 2 of 2) Read More »

Implementing Data Formatters – Python Edition (part 1 of 2)

This will most likely be useful to you if you’re doing web applications (web services or web APIs) but the idea would still be applicable for other use cases. Since there’s really no standard way of rendering data, we usually have to support multiple format. In this blog, we’ll cover the most common formats in …

Implementing Data Formatters – Python Edition (part 1 of 2) Read More »