Python Programming

Posts related to Python programming language

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Programming Perspective using SQL as point of reference

One major reason why most programmers find it hard to adapt to new programming languages is that they’re stuck in their current programming language perspective or viewpoint. You probably heard the saying “if the only tool you have is a hammer, then every problem looks like nails to you” (or something like that) — and …

Programming Perspective using SQL as point of reference Read More »

Why you should know Pythons Partial if you’re using TKinter

If you haven’t used the “partial” function, it essentially allows you to shorten the signature of your function calls, usually when you keep passing the same initial arguments to them. Simple Use Case Example, say you have a function that multiplies 2 numbers and returns the result: Normally, you’d use it like this: Nothing new …

Why you should know Pythons Partial if you’re using TKinter Read More »

Asynchronous Programming in Python using Thread

There are many ways to do asynchronous programming in Python, but the one I’ll cover here is the probably the first option that most Python programmers will use, or is taught —- and that is using the threading module. Before we dive into coding, let’s talk about Synchronous and Asynchronous processing (or in our case, …

Asynchronous Programming in Python using Thread Read More »